Spartan Community Service Program
Spartan Community Service Program
Program Description: The Spartan Community Service Program (SCSP) presents opportunities to LCHS students in grades 9-12 to perform community service and be celebrated and awarded the Spartan Community Service Honor Cord. It is open to all LCHS students. In order to earn the Spartan Service Honor Cord, students must perform 100 hours of community service throughout their high school career, keep a log that documents their service, and submit this documentation to the LCHS Community Service Oversight Committee by the published deadline in May of their senior year.
Objective: In recognition of the power and agency that youth possess in order to bring about improvements to their community, the nation, and the world, the Spartan Community Service program is created. Using their spirit of volunteerism, their energy, and vision to contribute to the betterment of the organizations in which they serve, LCHS 9-12 students engage in community service, keep track of their hours, and submit a community service portfolio in order to earn school recognition.
- To develop a sense of personal and social responsibility toward a cause, group, or agency students wish to support.
- To develop the citizenship skills of civic engagement, leadership, empathy, and participation
- To promote appreciation and engagement with groups, individuals, and people and cultures in our community and beyond.
- To explore career opportunities through participation in service.
- To further LCHS’ commitment to the Challenge Success core values of student engagement and promotion of a broader definition of success.
The Spartan Community Service Definition and Guidelines:
- Community Service must be non-paid.
- Community Service must be with a non-profit organization. Community Service does not count at any (for profit) business including doctors, dentists, pharmacies, veterinarians, private music schools, art schools, college prep academies, dance academies, private day cares or private nursery schools. Work performed at a business is considered an internship not Community Service.
- Students may not count work for a family member.
- Community Service is not allowed at private homes.
- Community Service is limited to 5 hours per school day.
- Community Service is limited to 8 hours per day on weekends, summer and holidays.
- Community Service cannot be performed during school instructional hours (lunch and after school is permissible). The one exception is if students are enrolled in the Peer Tutoring program.
- Eligible hours begin at the start of freshman year. (Not the summer before.)
- Students may count volunteer hours for religious activities such as teaching Sunday school or performing music for worship services.
- Students may volunteer for political campaigns and voter registration programs.
- Students may receive Community Service credit for volunteer work on behalf of LCHS school programs, clubs, or sports teams. This includes direct service as well as fundraising or preparation for a school event or production.
- Students may count service hours for organizations such as BSA and Girls’ Scouts of America, National Charity League, and other formal community service hours for up to 50 hours of the total 100 hours needed to earn the Spartan Community Service Honor Cord.
- Volunteer service hours count at hospitals, retirement and convalescent homes.
- We do not count court ordered volunteer service.
List of Volunteer and Community Service Opportunities