A student is considered tardy if he/she is not in their assigned class when the bell rings. Tardies are determined as excused or unexcused under Education Code section 48205. Parents are expected to write a note verifying a tardy.
Less than 30 Minutes
If a student is tardy LESS than 30 minutes to any class period, he/she should report directly to class to avoid missing additional time. The parent verification tardy note should be shown to the teacher and taken to the Attendance Office by the student at break, lunch or after school for the tardy to be officially verified.
More than 30 Minutes
If a student is tardy MORE than 30 minutes to any class period, she/he should report with the parent verification note to the Attendance Office for a “Late Pass.” The Attendance Office will mark the tardy and provide the student with an "Admit Pass" to be provided to the student's teacher.
The parent is encouraged to monitor their child’s attendance in the parent portal of Aeries. The classroom teacher is encouraged to contact the parent via email or telephone when a student accumulates three tardies in one quarter. The unexcused tardy will result in a “U” grade in Citizenship in the quarter. At the end of each semester, any student with eight or more unexcused tardies in any one class period will receive a “U” in Citizenship for the semester and Saturday School Detention may be assigned.
Additionally, every three unexcused tardies in one semester equals one absence which is included in the total number of absences accrued. Unexcused early leaves more than 30 minutes also count in the accumulation of absences